The Kleine Saal of the Bruckner university is, as its name suggests, a relatively small hall with its dimensions of ~12 x 15 x 5,5 meter. The hall however accommodates a large organ (with 22 stops).
With a reverberation time of only 0,9 second the room is too dry for most kinds of music, let alone organ music where the reverberation should really carry the sound.
ACS brought the solution, a system was installed and acoustics presets were programmed with reverberation times between 0,9 and 4 seconds (as you find in large old churches).
Now the organ sounds like it should! The system can of course also be used for other types of music, like chamber music that is also regularly practiced in the Kleiner Saal or for a combination of organ music together with other instruments.
Check this news item, made about the organ by the Austrian Press: https://youtu.be/HNetTAW7h30
Some quotes:
“Mit einer elektronischen Nachhallzeitverlängerung (ACS) ist es auch in einem relativ kleinen Saal möglich die volle musikalische Bandbreite einer Orgel auszuspielen”
(By lengthening the reverberation time electronically (ACS) it will also be possible in a relative small hall to make use of the full musical bandwidth of an organ.)
“Das wichtigste ist dass das Instrument wunderschön klingt. (Professor für Orgel an der Bruckner Universität)”
(The most important thing is that the instrument sounds wonderful) (Organ professor at the Bruckner University)
As result of the installation of the Organ, more sudents applied at the university.