During the first half of 2020 ACS was installed at the brand new Kulturscen in the Swedish town of Rimbo.
They went to great lengths to select the best possible electro acoustic solution for their hall, visiting, measuring and performing in a significant number of halls using electro acoustic solutions.
At the end of the day their decision to select ACS proved to be simple. Responses we received after the selection process were:
These are good Acoustics, well defined, a truly natural sound, this is not just some effect.
The Kulturscen has 350 seats, the ACS system provides early reflections and reverberation in the audience area. The acoustics also need to be optimized for the performers on stage. For this purpose the ACS’ orchestra shell is installed which will improve the ensemble playing conditions. Furthermore the acoustical conditions in the hall and on stage are coupled with the Foldback extension.
With ACS installed the acoustics at the Kulturscen truly become multi-functional.
As a basis the hall has very well balanced natural acoustics with a reverberation time of 0,7 sec. Acoustics that are very well suited for (heavily) amplified performances like rock concerts.
For theatre productions, chamber music, jazz, soloists, opera, (symphony) orchestra, choir/church, etc. etc. a wide variety of presets can be selected. The reverberation times of these presets range from 0.9 to 3 seconds.